Alternate Activity 1: Institutional History and Support
Activity time: 25 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Leader Resource 4, International Organizations
- Optional: Computer and digital projector
Preparation for Activity
- Print out Leader Resource 4, International Organizations and cut along the lines so each organization's story is on a separate sheet of paper.
- Arrange for five participants to read the five stories. Give them their assignments ahead of time.
- Write on newsprint this quote from U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Unitarian, Adlai Stevenson to UUA President Dana McLean Greeley, April 1962, and the follow-up questions:
In this disastrous and shrinking world it is no longer possible-if it ever was-for local communities to be more secure than the surrounding world. Our ultimate security therefore lies in making the world more and more into a community... All of you have the opportunity to share in the answer, and thus help us build a peaceful world.
- What is our responsibility as an association to connect with Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists around the world?
- What is our responsibility as an association to connect with other faith groups around the world?
- What is our local responsibility in reaching out to other faith groups?
- Optional: Prepare the quotation and the questions as one or two digital slides. Test the computer and projector.
Description of Activity
Explain that they will hear about some of the UUA-authorized Unitarian Universalist organizations that have supported and continue to support international cooperation. Have the five volunteers read the stories of the organizations aloud.
Then, ask participants if they have experience with any of these organizations or other UU organizations that do international work. Some are: the UUA's Office of Internal Resources, the Holdeen India Program, and the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation.
Read the displayed quote aloud. Invite participants to consider and discuss the questions.