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More Universalist Stories in this Program
Adin Ballou (1803-1890) — Universalist minister and founder of the Hopedale utopian community, Workshop 13
Quillen Shinn (1845-1907) — Universalist evangelist, Workshop 16
Winchester Profession (1803) — A Collection of Covenants and Statements of Belief, Workshop 7
The History of Universalism
Ballou, Hosea. A Treatise on Atonement, reprint (Boston, MA: Skinner House Books, 1986)
Cassara, Ernest. Universalism in America, Skinner House Books (Boston, MA, 1971)
Hitchings, Catherine F. Universalist and Unitarian Women Ministers (Boston, MA: UU Historical Society, 1985)
Howe, Charles A. The Larger Faith: A Short History of American Universalism (Boston, MA: Skinner House Books, 1993)
Miller, Russell. The Larger Hope (Boston, MA: Unitarian Universalist Association) Volume I, 1979; Volume II, 1985
Moore, Edward. Origen of Alexandria, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Scott, Clinton Lee. The Universalist Church of America: A Short History (Boston, MA: Universalist Historical Society, 1957)
Williams, George Hunston. American Universalism (Boston, MA: Skinner House Books, 1976)
Research and Presentation of Congregational Histories
Coeyman, Barbara. Creating Congregational Histories, on the website of the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society
Knowing Where You've Been: Maintaining Records and Archives, an article on the Unitarian Universalist Association website