Activity 3: Time Line of UU History
Part of Faith like a River
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Handout 2, Time Line of UU History
- Pens/pencils (for handouts); markers (for posted display)
- Optional: Newsprint or other display paper, markers, and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Download Handout 2, Time Line of UU History. Find out major events in your congregation's history and add them to the time line.
- Decide whether you will provide the time line as a re-usable handout, post it in the meeting space, or both.
- For a handout, copy the time line for all participants. Identify a place in the meeting room where participants can leave their handouts between workshops.
- To post the time line, print out Handout 2 and transfer its contents to newsprint sheets or other display paper. Arrange the time line on a wall where it can remain for the program's duration. If you cannot leave the time line posted, identify a place where you can store the pages between workshops.
- Familiarize yourself with the time line's contents.
Description of Activity
Say, in your own words:
The study of history-the record of events that have happened in the past-can be approached in many different ways. While this program explores history thematically, grouping stories and information around broadly defined subjects, it is helpful to have a time line of events for reference. This is particularly important as we explore the paths of Unitarianism and Universalism separately, prior to their convergence and consolidation into one faith tradition.
Indicate the Time Line of UU History. Allow participants to identify events familiar to them and new information.
Invite participants to add congregational and personal information to the time line. When was the congregation established? The building built? Does their own family heritage include Unitarians, Universalists, or Unitarian Universalists? Where on the time line do these individuals belong?