Find Out More
Holmes and Taft
Find biographical information for John Haynes Holmes and William Howard Taft in the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society's online Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography.
The "Third Way"
Read more here:
"Beyond Just War and Pacifism: Toward a Unitarian Universalist Theology of Prophetic Nonviolence" by Paul Rasor, Journal of Liberal Religion, Vol. 8, Number 1
"Prophetic Nonviolence" by Paul Rasor, UU World, Spring 2008
"'Memo to Obama from Sharon Welch: On Enduring Security, Sustainable Peace" by Sharon Welch
UU Peacemakers Ministry Network
The UU Peacemakers Peace Ministry Network, formed to promote and support the UUA Statement of Conscience — Creating Peace after the 2010 General Assembly, provides resources and news updates.