Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Resistance and Transformation: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Social Justice History

Activity 4: The Institutional Approach

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read the story and prepare to read or tell it to the group. Make copies for participants.
  • Prepare to project Leader Resource 3, or print a copy.
  • Optional: Read background information about the life of A. Powell Davies. Refer to the Find Out More section of this workshop for resources.

Description of Activity

Introduce A. Powell Davies as an example of someone who offered an institutional voice and approach to social justice work. Distribute the story and project or pass around Davies' photograph. Read or tell the story "A. Powell Davies" to the group or invite them to read it to themselves. Engage participants in discussion, using these questions:

  • How does this story about Davies exemplify the institutional approach? Did Davies employ other strategies in addition to the institutional voice?
  • Can you see any pieces of modern Unitarian Universalism that might have been influenced by Davies' work?
  • What are some contemporary examples of using an institutional strategy (that is, working from within an institution to bring about change)?