Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Resistance and Transformation: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Social Justice History

Taking It Home: Is There More?

We come to a time when we realize that the faith we have inherited is inadequate for what we are such moments we have three choices: We can hold to our religious beliefs and deny our experience, we can hold to our experience and walk away from our religious tradition, or we can become theologians. — Rebecca Parker, in Blessing the World: What Can Save Us Now

Share with friends or family members your reflections about who or what you encountered in this program that has inspired you. How has the program influenced or shifted your perception of justice work? How has it connected your Unitarian Universalist faith more fully with your justice efforts in the world? Perhaps you had a conversation that would not have otherwise happened, gained a new awareness regarding a certain issue, or experienced a personal revelation about a justice issue with which you were already engaged. Perhaps you have begun or deepened a commitment to a particular social or environmental justice cause. Tell your story, and invite others to tell theirs.

Research a social or environmental justice topic important to your congregation that was not covered by the program. Lead a workshop or forum on the topic.