Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Resistance and Transformation: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Social Justice History

Alternate Activity 1: The Invisible Minority

Activity time: 30 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Examine Leader Resource 2, The Invisible Minority. Make a list of similarities and differences between the time the resource was created and today.
  • Queue the computer and projector so you can show Leader Resource 2, The Invisible Minority.

Description of Activity

Show Leader Resource 2, The Invisible Minority, explaining that the material you are showing is a part of a curriculum published by the UUA in 1972. Then, lead a discussion using these questions as a guide.

  • What is surprising in this 1972 program? Troubling? Hopeful?
  • What does it say about the UUA's approach and commitment to LGBT inclusion and equality?
  • What social attitudes have changed since this was published?
  • What myths and stereotypes "debunked" in this program are still alive today?