Find Out More
Bowens-Wheatley, Marjorie, and Nancy Palmer Jones, eds. Soul Work: Anti-racist Theologies in Dialogue. Skinner House, 2002.
Kivel, Paul. Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice. New Society, 2002.
Leonard, Richard D. Call to Selma: Eighteen Days of Witness. Skinner House, 2001.
Parker, Rebecca Ann. Blessing the World: What Can Save Us Now. Skinner House, 2006.
Reckford, Jonathan. Creating a Habitat for Humanity: No Hands But Yours. Augsburg Fortress, 2000.
Stout, Linda. Bridging the Class Divide and Other Lessons for Grassroots Organizing. Beacon Press, 1997.
Call to Selma Eighteen Days of Witness
By Richard D. Leonard
From Skinner House Books
Leonard's journal presents Selma as a pivotal point in the advancement of civil rights.