Activity 3: Twenty-one Thoughts
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Handout 1: Twenty-one Thoughts on Peace and Justice (see Preparation)
- Small basket
- Optional: Microphone (preferably cordless)
Preparation for Activity
- Cut Handout 1 into strips-one quote per strip-and place them in the basket.
- If desired, make extra copies of Handout 1 for people who want to take home all the quotes.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to sit in a circle. Explain that you will pass around a basket of quotations. Participants can pick a quotation to read aloud, or let the basket pass by them if they prefer to just listen.
Going around the circle, have participants read the quotations slowly and loudly. Take a moment or two of silence between each quotation. Continue around the circle until all of the quotations have been read.
Discuss the quotations with the group:
- Which quotations particularly spoke to you? Why?
- Were there any you disagreed with? Why?
- Do you know any other quotations about peace and justice that you'd like to share?
Including All Participants
You may wish to pass a cordless microphone during the reading and discussion so that participants can hear one another better.