Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Spirit in Practice: An Adult Program for Developing A Regular Practice of the Spirit

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Alexander, Scott W., ed. Everyday Spiritual Practice: Simple Pathways for Enriching Your Life. Skinner House Books, 1999.

Bass, Dorothy C., ed. Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997.

Brussat, Frederic and Mary Ann. Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life. Touchstone, 1998.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. Present Moment, Wonderful Moment: Mindfulness Verses for Daily Living. Parallax Press, 1990.

Everyday Spiritual Practice Simple Pathways for Enriching Your Life

By Scott W. Alexander

From Skinner House Books

Have you wondered how to integrate your heartfelt beliefs into your daily life? Here nearly 40 contributors ponder this creative dilemma and share their discoveries. Creating a home altar, practicing martial arts, fasting, quilting — these are just some of the ways they've found to make every day...

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