Alternate Activity 2: Deeper Sharing And Reflection
Part of Spirit in Practice
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Questions listed on newsprint or a digital slide (see Preparation)
- Writing paper (at least one sheet per participant)
- Pens or pencils (at least one per participant)
- Clock, watch, or timer
- Bell
- Optional: Computer and digital projector
- Optional: Participants' journals
- Optional: Microphone (preferably cordless)
Preparation for Activity
- Decide whether your group is sufficiently well bonded for most participants to feel comfortable responding to these questions in pairs. If they are not, you could turn this into a journaling exercise.
- Add these two questions to the newsprint or slide for Activity 3: What has been my greatest challenge on my spiritual journey? What am I wrestling with right now in my spiritual life?
Description of Activity
If you have a well-bonded group that respects confidentiality, you may wish to take Activity 3: Reflecting with a Partner deeper by expanding it for an additional half hour.
Display the newsprint or slide with the questions from Activity 3 plus these additional questions:
- What has been my greatest challenge on my spiritual journey?
- What am I wrestling with right now in my spiritual life?
Allow an additional ten minutes for individual writing and reflection.
Allow additional time for sharing in pairs, for a total of eight minutes per partner for sharing and five minutes per partner for responding.
Allow an additional ten minutes for whole-group discussion at the end.
Including All Participants
The questions in this exercise are deeper questions that may tap into unresolved pain and grief in some participants. Some partners will be able to handle this; others might not. Be alert to any pairs in which one partner seems to be "dumping" on the other or a partner doesn't seem to be acting as a good listener. Check in with those partners afterward. You may wish to refer any participants with unresolved issues to the congregation's minister(s) or pastoral care team.