Activity 2: Singing "Gathered Here"
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copies of Singing the Living Tradition (one per participant) or lyrics of "Gathered Here" written on newsprint or digital slides
- Optional: Computer and digital projector
- Optional: A piano, guitar, or other form of accompaniment
- Optional: Microphone
Preparation for Activity
- If desired, list the lyrics of "Gathered Here" on newsprint or a digital slide and display them at the appropriate time.
- Arrange for musical accompaniment if you believe it will be necessary for singing "Gathered Here." The song can work well a cappella and as a round.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to rise in body or spirit and sing "Gathered Here," 389 in Singing the Living Tradition.
Including All Participants
If your congregation has large-print and/or Braille versions of Singing the Living Tradition, make those copies available for participants who might need them.