Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: The New UU: A Program for Welcoming Newcomers to Unitarian Universalist Congregations


Part of The New UU

Activity time: 3 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, or copies of Singing the Journey (supplement to the hymnbook), for all participants
  • Optional: Keyboard or other musical accompaniment

Preparation for Activity

  • Determine whether you will sing one of the hymns or do the reading and obtain the appropriate books.
  • Optional: Invite an accompanist or song leader to help you teach a hymn.

Description of Activity

Sing "Building Bridges," Hymn 1023 in Singing the Journey, or "As Tranquil Streams," Hymn145 in the hymnbook. Or, lead a unison reading of Reading 458 in the hymnbook, by Walter Royal Jones.