Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: The New UU: A Program for Welcoming Newcomers to Unitarian Universalist Congregations

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Part of The New UU

Review available materials about religious education in your congregation, such as the Religious Education prospectus, and brochures or listings for adult faith development workshops or classes. Explore what is on your congregation's website about faith development for all ages in your congregation.

Read Jeanne Nieuwejaar's book The Gift of Faith (Boston: Skinner House, 2002).

Explore online Unitarian Universalist resources for lifespan faith development, especially the UUA's Tapestry of Faith religious education programs and the Family pages in UU World magazine. In the adult Tapestry of Faith program What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology, find a workshop on Sophia Lyon Fahs, whose theology of religious naturalism helped shape Unitarian Universalist religious education.

The Gift of Faith Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children, Second Edition

By Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar

From Skinner House Books

Celebrates the importance of nurturing our children's spiritual growth...

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