Leader Resource 4: Engaging as Religious Professionals
Part of What Moves Us
This is a 30-minute activity.
Participants discuss the roles of feelings and of intellect in the life of their congregation(s). Use these questions as a guide:
- How are feelings and intellect reflected in communal worship in the congregation your serve? Do you perceive worship as a "feeling" experience, a "thinking" experience, or some combination of the two? When planning for worship to include all ages, do you plan for a "feeling" experience or a "thinking" experience?
- In what ways, other than appropriate pastoral care, does our congregation offer opportunities for people to recover lost emotions or recover from times when they have lost heart?
- What are the challenges in helping people in your congregation integrate emotions and intellect in their personal theologies and spiritual practices?
- How are we inclusive of both feelings and intellect in our congregation's programs for children, youth, adults, and families?