Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: What Moves Us: A Unitarian Universalist Theology Program for Adults

Leader Reflection and Planning

Part of What Moves Us

After the workshop, co-leaders should make a time to get together to evaluate this workshop and plan future workshops. Use these questions to guide your shared reflection and planning:

  • What were some of our favorite moments of the workshop? What emotions came to the fore in you and in the participants?
  • What were some of our most challenging moments? What emotions came to the fore in you and in the participants?
  • What did we handle well as leaders? What sources of emotional strength did we call upon to stay the course?
  • What could we handle better as leaders the next time around? What kind of emotional preparation will help us be better prepared for this spiritual work?
  • What can we affirm about the effectiveness of our own leadership style and skills?
  • What can we learn from leaders who have a different style and set of leadership skills that we admire and want to incorporate into our own leadership strategies?
  • What do we need to do to prepare for the next workshop? Who will take responsibility for each of these tasks? Who will lead us in our opening and closing chalice lightings and meditations for our next group session?