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The Ballou Family, online Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist biography

Ballou, Hosea. A Treatise on Atonement in which, The Finite Nature of Sin is Argued, Its Cause and Consequences as such; The Necessity and Nature of Atonement; And its Glorious Consequences in the FINAL RECONCILIATION OF ALL MEN TO HOLINESS AND HAPPINESS (Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1902, 14th edition).

Ballou, Maturin M. Biography of Hosea Ballou, by His Youngest Son, Maturin M. Ballou (Boston, 1852).

Cassara, Ernest. Hosea Ballou: The Challenge to Orthodoxy (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982).

Whittemore, Thomas. Life of Rev. Hosea Ballou; with accounts of His Writings, and Biographical Sketches of His Seniors and Contemporaries in the Universalist Ministry, 4 volumes, 1854-55; vol. 1 (1854).