Taking It Home
And let me tell you, if you have indeed been renewed in the spirit of your minds, it will [show] it self in your lives. — Charles Chauncy (1705-1787)
Think of a practice you might do to help you deepen your spiritual life. Try it and decide if, indeed, you have begun to construct a Unitarian Universalist Theology of Spiritual Renewal relevant for your life today.
Faith in Action
With the help of ministerial staff, arrange to meet with another group in the congregation—for example, a Coming of Age class, a youth group, a New UU Group, or with an interfaith group. Talk together about the ways spiritual experiences show themselves in our lives and in our actions. Offer this quote from Chauncy as a springboard for sharing: "[I]f you have indeed been renewed in the spirit of your minds, it will [show] it self in your lives."