Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Small worship table and cloth
- Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle
- A copy of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook
- Taking It Home handouts for all participants
Preparation for Activity
- Review the Taking It Home section. Decide which extension activities you will encourage participants to do.
- Download the Taking It Home section to your computer, customize it for your group, and copy for all participants.
Description of Activity
Gather participants around the altar or centering table. Affirm the good work that participants have done in this workshop.
Distribute the Taking It Home handout. Explain that each workshop will provide a Taking It Home handout with ideas for continuing to explore the workshop's subject with friends, co-workers, housemates, and family. Mention that the Faith in Action activities included in the handout offer another extension opportunity.
Offer as a benediction Reading 527 in Singing the Living Tradition, Richard Jeffries' "Immortality" or these words of Charles Chauncy:
In one plain, short word, The great thing you have to get satisfied about is, whether you are the subjects of that change, which will, in the estimation of the gospel, denominate you new creatures... The great thing necessary is to experience a real and effectual renovation of heart and life; and as to the way and manner, how this, by the divine SPIRIT, was bro't about, it's not of so great importance: Nor is it of any importance, whether the SPIRIT OF GOD has gone on, in just the same method with you which he has taken with others. Be rather concern'd about the thing, than the way in order to get to it. Get satisfied you have been thus wro't upon, and you need be at no further pains.
Extinguish the chalice and invite participants to go in peace.
Including All Participants
Be inclusive of people with a variety of living situations-for example, living alone, with a significant other, in a multigenerational family, or with housemates-in the way you explain the Taking It Home activities.