Handout 2: Responding to the Spirit of Life Program - Evaluation
Part of Spirit of Life
Please take a few minutes before leaving to write out some thoughts about our time together.
The Spirit of Life workshop series was ...
The best thing about it was...
I wish we had...
Something I'd change is...
Another thing I'd like to say is...
I came here wanting...
I leave here... .
Overall, the Spirit of Life program was...
Please circle the number that indicates your position on the following statement.
Spirit of Life helped our congregation create loving community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of integrity, justice, and joy.
1 - Strongly disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Somewhat agree
5 - Strongly agree
Please include any additional comments or suggestions on the back of this page.
Thank you for your participation!