Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Spirit of Life: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Spirituality

Leader Resource 1: Group Projects in Praise of Creation

Part of Spirit of Life

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I. Altar in Praise of Creation

Create an altar or centering space to express the beauty and power of the earth and a ritualized opening to our Praise of Creation. Let your words, song, movement, candle light or whatever you imagine invite all of us to see and take in the altar or centering space. 2 minutes.

II. Litany in Praise of Creation

Create a litany of thanks for the beauty and power of the earth. How will you present this with one voice? In unison? With several voices speaking in turn? Where will you locate yourselves? 2 minutes.

III. Movement in Praise of Creation

Create movements to embody and accompany your singing of verse one of Hymn 21, "For the Beauty of the Earth," in Singing the Living Tradition. Where will you locate yourselves? Will you invite people as they are willing and able to participate? Will you sing and embody verse one a second time? 2 minutes.

IV. Meditation in Praise of Creation

Create a guided meditation on how we fit in to the interdependent web of life. How will you present this meditative piece? With one voice? In unison? With several voices speaking in turn? Where will you locate yourselves? 2 minutes.

V. Closing/Blessing in Praise of Creation

Create a closing that calls to us to live in harmony with and respect for the earth. How will you present this? With movement? With voices in unison? With several voices speaking in turn? With sounds other than words? Where will you locate yourselves? How will your group give us a sense of ending to our Praise of Creation? 2 minutes.