Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Spirit of Life: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Spirituality

Handout 2: Creating a Centering Meditation or Prayer

Part of Spirit of Life

Create your own centering meditation or prayer that names your experiences, feelings, and hopes as you try to respond with compassion to individuals, groups, or the world. Perhaps you'll be drawn to completing some of these sentences. Or, create your own sentences that name your experience of trying to live compassionately. If you are creating your own words, you might try writing as if you were writing a letter to someone you love and trust with whom you can share your experiences, feelings, and hopes.

Spirit of Life...

I find strength in...

My heart goes out to...

I put my faith in... .

So much calls out for my attention... .

I find joy in...

I am overwhelmed when... .

I am grateful for...

I am frustrated by... .

What matters now is... .

I feel when weary when...

I hope to... .

My own life is... .

One thing I can do is...

I seek...

I will...

I need...

I join with... .

I am restored by...
