Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Spirit of Life: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Spirituality

Faith In Action: Reaching out with Compassion

Part of Spirit of Life

Description of Activity

Find out from your parish minister, your pastoral care team, or other appropriate congregational group about the ways in which assistance is needed. Ask about opportunities that require a small time commitment as well as a substantial one. Invite participants as a group or as individuals to assist with the congregation's pastoral ministry, involving participants in on-going projects or offering to initiate an activity. Possible projects include:

  • Sending notes or cards to those associated with the congregation who are serving in the military.
  • Sending notes or cards to young adults away at college.
  • Joining or starting a shawl ministry to create shawls for those who are ill or bereaved.
  • Organizing meals for families with a new baby or dealing with a serious illness.
  • Visiting elders in nursing homes on a regular basis.