Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Spirit of Life: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Spirituality

Faith In Action: Rituals in Social Justice Work

Part of Spirit of Life

Description of Activity

Invite participants to reflect upon the ways in which communal rituals can be used to celebrate, honor, or deepen social justice work. Suggest rituals in which participants may have taken part, such as a Jewish Seder ritual remembering our responsibility to work for freedom for all or an Earth Day ritual that reminds renews our commitment to the interdependent web or existence.

As a group or as individuals, consider working with your parish minister, religious educator, or worship committee to create a ritual honoring, celebrating, or deepening the congregation's commitment to a justice-making or service project. For example, some congregations bless the feet of those who participate in pledge walks. Consider creating rituals to honor the beginning of a project, significant milestones, or a project's completion.