- Arrange for coffee, tea, and water at the workshop.
- Arrange for furniture set-up:
- For large group: Place tables in a horseshoe arrangement (leaders at the head table, chairs around outside of tables).
- For smaller group: Place one or two table tables in a rectangle (leaders sit at a middle side and chairs are positioned around the outside).
- Set a hymnbook on the table in front of each chair.
- Place a chalice or candle on a chalice cloth at the leader’s place and arrange decorations.
- Create a connections sheet with columns for contact information: name, address, phone, and email. Note at the top of the paper that the information will be distributed to all participants.
- Set out name tags, connections sheet and pen or pencil, spiral notebooks, markers, and assorted stickers.
- Copy Handout 1, Over Sixty: The Good Life Comes with Old Age.
- Customize and copy Handout 2, Looking Ahead to Workshop 2.
- Print Leader Resource 1, Valuing Elderhood and prepare to present its contents.
- Write workshop agenda on newsprint, using Workshop-at-a-Glance table, and post.
- Write and post Group Rules of Respect:
- When a person is speaking we will give that person our respectful attention and only listen.
- After each person speaks, we will observe a moment of silence before another speaks.
- What is shared in the group is only for this group. Personal stories and reflections (other than your own) are not to be shared outside the group.
- Title two different sheets of newsprint:
- Bad Things about Being Older
- Good Things about Being Older
- Write journaling questions on a newsprint sheet, and set aside:
- What did I learn from interactions with a positive person in my life?
- What did I learn from interactions with a negative person in my life?
- Write on newsprint, and set aside:
We close our time by extinguishing the chalice and carry its light and our blessings with us into the world.
- Download and print Leader Resource 2, Blessing Cards, on cover stock. Cut along the lines to make Blessing Cards. If there are more than 11 people in your group (including leaders), make duplicate cards so that you have enough cards for everyone.