A number of materials require advance preparation or purchase, as follows:
- Order copies of Five Wishes (include one for yourself) well in advance of the program and be familiar with the document before Workshop 5. Ordering information can be found at There is a modest cost for the booklets.
- For Workshop 1, purchase 8 1/2x11-inch spiral composition books, one for each participant, and assorted stickers or decorations.
- For Workshop 1, prepare the large Blessing Cards, using Leader Resource 2, Blessing Cards. Download the file, print on 8 1/2x11-inch cover stock, and cut along the lines. Cards are used in each workshop, so plan to store them where they will not be damaged or bent.
- For Workshop 4, assemble and prepare materials for tactile mandalas if you have visually impaired participants. On a piece of cover stock, draw a 10-inch circle. Glue a length of thick cotton cord or twine along the perimeter of the circle. Cut out shapes (triangles, circles, and rectangles) no larger than the circle from materials such as wide wale corduroy, satin, mesh, sandpaper, or velvet. Provide buttons with flat undersides and lengths of twine, rickrack, and other textured materials. Provide white glue or strong glue sticks and scissors so a participant (with assistance, if needed) can make their desired modifications to the materials and use them to create a tactile mandala.
- For Workshop 6, purchase polished, light-colored river stones and black, medium-point permanent markers. (Note: flat stones offer more writing space.) These supplies are available in craft stores.
- For Workshop 6, create portable mandala sketch books. For each participant, purchase a 4x6-inch, spiral-bound drawing pad (24 sheets) and a 4x5-inch envelope from a local or online art store. Obtain or make a stiff, 3-inch circle for each participant to use as a tracing template (a plastic lid works well). Store the template in the envelope. On a table, lay the open envelope to the left of the drawing pad to verify that they match in size. Attach envelope to book by taping the flap with its inside facing the front cover’s backside. Close envelope over outside of the front cover.
Consult with your minister or religious educator about how to cover the cost of materials and supplies.