Part of Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
- A copy of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook
- Optional: Copies of the UUA pamphlet Spirituality of Service, one for each participant
- Optional: Customize the Taking It Home handout for your group before emailing or photocopying it.
- Copy Taking It Home for all participants, or plan to email it.
Distribute copies of Taking It Home or tell the group when you will email it. Invite participants to share two minutes of silence to honor the important work the group has done together.
Read aloud “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver, Reading 490 in Singing the Living Tradition.
Optional: Give Spirituality of Service pamphlets to participants, and invite them to use the pamphlet as a springboard for journaling or for conversation with friends and family members.