Part of Facing Death with Life
- Invite a medical professional with experience in end-of-life medicine, palliative care, and hospice care to explain some common end-of-life medical choices.
- Read resources listed in Handout 1, Looking Ahead to Workshop 7, from Workshop 6.
- Post Our Covenant from Workshop 1.
- Customize and make copies of Handout 1, Looking Ahead to Workshop 8 for all participants.
- Download your state’s advance directives from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization website and make copies.
- Obtain copies of the Five Wishes booklet for all participants. Order them (at a small cost) from the Aging with Dignity website.
- Obtain a copy of "Being Mortal" or make plans to stream it from the PBS website.
- Test equipment and speakers; queue and preview the segment (17:13-23:36) of "Being Mortal."
- Review Accessibility Guidelines for Adult Workshop Presenters and implement as appropriate for your group and space.