Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Facing Death with Life: A Program for Adults

Activity 3: Right to Die

Activity time: 40 minutes

Show Segment of "The Suicide Plan" (15:06-21:08), Frontline, PBS.

Then call attention to color pencils, markers, pens, and pencils. Invite participants to consider their own experiences and feelings about suicide in the event of debilitating terminal illness and to reflect, write, or draw in their journals. Allow ten minutes for this part of the activity.

Invite participants to form pairs and to share their reflections and experiences as they are comfortable. Allow ten minutes for this part of the activity.

Then regather the large group noting that assisted suicide is a controversial issue in our time. Lead a discussion asking:

  • What are some reasons to support the right to die?
  • What are some risks of legalizing assisted suicide?