Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: What We Choose: An Adult Program on Ethics for Unitarian Universalists

Alternate Activity 1: An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance - Racial/Ethnic Identity-based Caucusing

Activity time: 60 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • If you are not familiar with racial/ethnic identity-based caucusing, read Leader Resource 1, About Race-Based Reflection Groups, reprinted from Workshop 12 of the Tapestry of Faith program Building the World We Dream About.
  • Read Handout 1, An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance, and copy for all participants.
  • Write on newsprint, and post:
    • How does the idea of recounting "the story of my people" or "the story of my community" create a different basis for understanding identity than does "my personal story" or "the story of my family?"
    • In Cannon's and De La Torre's ethical systems, what values are at the center? Which people are at the center? What role does the ethical system supported by the dominant culture play?
    • How does this ethical system illuminate, expand, or challenge your understanding of what it means to live a moral life?
    • Is this ethical system in harmony with the moral and values you have been taught and/or currently affirm? In which ways?
    • What do you find affirming and uplifting in this ethical system? What challenges or puzzles you? What calls you to reflection? To action?

Description of Activity

Distribute Handout 1, An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance and read it aloud. Using the background in Leader Resource 1, About Race-Based Reflection Groups explain the idea of caucusing and answer any questions participants may raise. Invite participants to move into race/ethnicity-based reflection groups and invite groups to consider the posted questions. After 50 minutes, re-gather the larger group. Invite volunteers to share any observations, questions, or reflections.