Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: What We Choose: An Adult Program on Ethics for Unitarian Universalists

Activity 2: Reflection and Conversation

Part of What We Choose

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Journals or notebooks, one for each participant
  • Writing and drawing materials, such as pens, pencils, fine point color markers, and color pencils

Preparation for Activity

  • Set out drawing materials where all can reach them.
  • Write on newsprint, and post:
    • When have you been the potential giver of costumes or other benefits? When have you offered hospitality, access, or goods to others from a position of having more?
    • When have you been a potential receiver? When have you been offered hospitality, access, or goods by others because they perceived that you needed what they had to offer? Was the offer welcome?
    • When have you been in the position of the day care director? When have you taken the role of advocating for the right of those who are perceived to have less to name their own needs or chart their own course?

Description of Activity

Invite participants into a time of journaling or drawing. Say:

Reflect on your own life experiences. Where do you see yourself in the costumes for the day care center scenario?

Call attention to the posted questions and invite participants to take five minutes to draw, write, or make notes in their journal and prepare to share with a partner. After five minutes, invite participants to turn to a partner and share their story and reflections. Tell them that they will have ten minutes for sharing; you may wish to alert pairs to switch roles when five minutes have passed.