Workshop 4: Dignity Part of Principled Commitment: A Program for Unitarian Universalist Couples In This Section Introduction From Principled Commitment Love, the fruit of honoring, is reached through the continuing courage to leap into one another's arms. It feels risky to do this at times — in new relationships, for example, or when we feel ourselves changing. Committing to honoring takes stamina and vision. But without the love that honoring... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Principled Commitment Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering Opening 10 Activity 1: Check-in 10 Activity 2: Defining Dignity 10 Activity 3: Treat Me with Dignity 30 Activity 4: Rights in Relationship 30 Activity 5: Helping Your Relationship Age with Dignity 20 Closing 10 Alternate Activity 1: Faith in Action — Servic... Spiritual Preparation From Principled Commitment Before leading this workshop, set aside some time for personal reflection or journal writing. After centering yourself, consider the guiding Principle for this session, "The inherent worth and dignity of every person." How do you live this Principle in your daily life and relationships?... Welcoming and Entering From Principled Commitment Materials for Activity Name tags Markers Sign-in sheet Pen or pencil An agenda of this workshop's activities on newsprint or a digital slide (see Preparation) Optional: Computer, digital projector, and screen Optional: Copies of workshop series schedule Preparation for Activity Using the... Opening From Principled Commitment Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Altar or centering table Cloth for covering altar or centering table Chalice and candle Matches or lighter Singing the Living Tradition hymnbook (at least one copy) Leader Resource 1: Order of Service - Dignity Preparation for Activity Prepare the... Activity 1: Check-in From Principled Commitment Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Invite participants to take turns briefly sharing insights they have had since the previous workshop on trust. Ask whether they have found ways to use communication skills to build trust in their relationships.... Activity 2: Defining Dignity From Principled Commitment Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint Markers Easel Low-stick masking tape Description of Activity Ask participants to recall the guided meditation from the opening - specifically, the invitation to envision being treated with dignity.... Activity 3: Treat Me With Dignity From Principled Commitment Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint Markers Easel Newsprint sheet with prepared questions (see Preparation) Low-stick masking tape Clock, watch, or timer Bell or chime Preparation for Activity Write the following questions on a sheet of newsprint: Were there any surprises i... Activity 4: Rights In Relationship From Principled Commitment Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Writing paper (at least one sheet per couple) Pens or pencils Tables or hard surfaces for writing Optional: Copies of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (see Preparation) Preparation for Activity Set up tables, or find books o... Activity 5: Helping Your Relationship Age With Dignity From Principled Commitment Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Newsprint, easel, and markers Description of Activity Introduce the activity with these or similar words: It's easy to see why we would want to be honored, respected, and treated with dignity.... Closing From Principled Commitment Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of customized Taking It Home handout (see Preparation) Preparation for Activity Review the Taking It Home section of this workshop. Download the Taking It Home section to your computer, customize it for your group, and make a printout or... Leader Reflection and Planning From Principled Commitment With your co-leader, take some time after the workshop to evaluate the session and plan for future sessions. Consider these questions: What parts of the workshop seemed to engage the most people? Why? When did we seem particularly effective as co-leaders? Why?... Alternate Activity 1: Faith In Action - Service Project Update From Principled Commitment Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity The task list generated in Workshop 3's Faith in Action activity Preparation for Activity This activity is a follow-up to Workshop 3's Faith in Action, which engaged participants in discussing a service project for a local shelter or other agency t... Alternate Activity 2: Skills For Communicating Dignity - Empathy From Principled Commitment Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2: Empathy Role-Play Preparation for Activity Review Leader Resource 2, Empathy Role-Play. Decide whether you will act out the role-play with your co-leader or recruit participant volunteers.... Alternate Activity 3: Skills For Communicating Dignity - Respect From Principled Commitment Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint Markers Easel Description of Activity Introduce the activity with these or similar words: The educator Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot writes: Respect is a circle. It is about symmetry. It's about reciprocity. Even if there are differences in... Alternate Activity 4: Skills For Communicating Dignity - Managing Expectations From Principled Commitment Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint Markers Easel Writing paper Pens or pencils Tables or hard surfaces for writing Preparation for Activity Set up tables, or find books or other hard surfaces for writing. Description of Activity Introduce the activity with these or similar... Taking It Home: Dignity From Principled Commitment Affection Connection — Dignity Extend your exploration of dignity by trying this activity on your own. Seeing the Sacred in Each Other Centering deeply on that which you hold sacred in one another can be an important step in honoring both the individuals and the partnership. In this activity, you... Leader Resource 1: Order of Service - Dignity From Principled Commitment Follow this Order of Service for the opening of Workshop 4, Dignity. Welcome Chalice Lighting Principle Guided Meditation Reading Welcome Welcome participants. Explain that this workshop is devoted to the concept of dignity. Participants will explore their own definitions of dignity and consider... Leader Resource 2: Empathy Role-Play From Principled Commitment Perform the skit twice. The first time, partner B will read only his/her dialogue, omitting the words in parentheses. The second time, partner B will read the words in parentheses to identify the different parts of his/her response.... Find Out More From Principled Commitment Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara. Respect: An Exploration. Perseus Books, 1999. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Principled Commitment NEXT: Introduction Download all of Principled Commitment (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.