Activity 5: Housekeeping
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Leader Resource 9: Refreshment Sign-up Sheet
- Pen or pencil
Preparation for Activity
- Research your site to learn which bathrooms are accessible for people with physical disabilities and/or transgender identities.
- Prepare a copy of Leader Resource 9, Refreshment Sign-up Sheet, by filling in the dates for upcoming workshops.
Description of Activity
Contact Information
Explain that you asked participants to complete the contact information sheet earlier because occasions may arise when class must be postponed due to inclement weather or other reasons.
Explain that sometimes participants wish to contact each other outside of the workshops, and you can help them do that by distributing copies of the contact list at the next workshop. Invite individuals to speak to you privately during the break or after this workshop if they would prefer to remove their information from the distributed list.
Ask participants whether they would like to take turns bringing refreshments at upcoming workshops. If so, place the Refreshment Sign-up Sheet in a prominent location and encourage participants to sign up during a break or after the workshop concludes. Request that participants make a note of the date they volunteered to bring refreshments. You may wish to send a reminder note before each workshop.
Other Details
Inform participants where restrooms are located, and note which are accessible to people of all physical abilities and gender identities.
Explain how to contact the leaders, emphasize the importance of regular attendance, and offer any other relevant logistical details.
This might be a good time for a short break in your workshop.