Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Altar or centering table
- Cloth for covering altar or centering table
- Chalice and candle
- Matches or lighter
- Singing the Living Tradition hymnbook (at least one copy)
- Leader Resource 10: Order of Service - Covenant
Preparation for Activity
- Prepare the altar or centering table with the cloth you have brought, a chalice and candle, and matches or a lighter.
- Select a reading that relates to the third Principle. In Singing the Living Tradition, readings 439, 486, and 495 are suitable. If a responsive reading is chosen, provide additional hymnbooks as needed.
Description of Activity
Refer to Leader Resource 10, Order of Service - Covenant, to conduct the opening. You may adapt the service to fit with your group's interest as well as your congregation's identity and customs. The Order of Service is provided as a starting point.
Including All Participants
Pay attention to the modulation of your voice throughout the opening, and particularly during the meditation. Make sure that your tone is gentle and meditative, but keep your volume high enough to be heard throughout the room. Note that some participants may need to keep their eyes open during the meditation in order to understand your words.