Welcoming and Entering
Part of Principled Commitment
Materials for Activity
- Pocket folder for each participant
- Photocopies of the following handouts (one per participant):
- Handout 1: Getting Acquainted
- Handout 2: Unitarian Universalist Principles and Sources
- Handout 3: Workshop Descriptions and Schedule
- Handout 4: Suggested Group Covenant
- Handout 5: Couple Covenant Worksheet
- Name tags (two per person)
- Markers for name tags
- Leader Resource 8: Participant Contact Information
- Pen(s) or pencil(s) (one or more)
- An agenda of this workshop's activities on newsprint or a digital slide (see Preparation)
- Optional: Computer, digital projector, and screen
- Optional: Refreshments (see Preparation)
Preparation for Activity
- Every workshop involves preparation, but preparing is especially important the first time because the extra effort you put in now will help the entire program flow more smoothly.
- Review the entire curriculum so that you can answer questions about it or know where to find answers.
- Add the dates and times of each workshop to Handout 3, Workshop Description and Schedule.
- Make a photocopy of the handouts listed under Materials and place them in a pocket folder for each participant.
- Print out Leader Resource 8, Participant Contact Information. Place it, along with the pen(s) or pencil(s), where participants can sign in when they enter the workshop. Place name tags and markers nearby.
- Using the Workshop-at-a-Glance as a guide, create an agenda listing the activities for this workshop on newsprint or a digital slide. Before the group arrives, post the newsprint agenda or set up and test the computer and digital projector and display the agenda slide.
- Provide light refreshments, as you are able, to encourage a comfortable social atmosphere from the start. Refreshments can range from coffee and tea to light snacks, depending on the number of participants and the time of day. Regular meals are not recommended, as the focus on food may detract from the workshop content.
Description of Activity
As participants arrive, welcome them with a folder. Ask them to put their name on two name tags, one to wear and one to put on their pocket folder.
Ask participants to sign in on the Participant Contact Information sheet (Leader Resource 8). Invite them to serve themselves refreshments. Direct their attention to the agenda for this workshop.
At the appointed time, start the workshop promptly, without waiting for latecomers. By doing so, you will reward participants who arrive on time and set a positive tone for future workshops.
Including All Participants
Encourage participants to speak with you about any accessibility needs they have and how you might accommodate them (for example, with large-print handouts or a seat close to the leader). Asking participants about their accessibility needs enables you to offer a more positive experience for them during the Principled Commitment workshops. See the introduction to this curriculum for information about accessibility for adults of all physical abilities.