The developmental editors wish to express their heartfelt appreciation for the team of colleagues and consultants who helped bring this project to fruition: assistants Barbara Gifford and Rachael Brown, project manager Adrianne Ross, technology consultant Margy Levine Young, adult development consultant Marion Mason, Ph.D., Rev. Lynn Ungar, and others who reviewed the draft curriculum and provided insight.
Special thanks to the field-test leaders, religious professionals, and participants from the following congregations for their valuable contributions to this curriculum:
Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach, California; Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica, California; Unitarian Society of New Haven, Connecticut; All Souls Church, Unitarian, Washington, DC; Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami, Florida; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County, Churchville, Maryland; White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, Mahtomedi, Minnesota; Eliot Chapel, St. Louis, Missouri; All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, Bellville, Ohio; First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church, Fort Worth, Texas; and the Michael Servetus Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Vancouver, Washington.
We gratefully acknowledge the use of the following material in Principled Commitment:
“The Guest House” in Workshop 1, Leader Resource 10, is by Rumi and translated by Coleman Barks. Copyright 1995 by Coleman Barks. Reprinted by permission of Coleman Barks.
Quotations from sermons on humility in Workshop 2, Leader Resource 2, are drawn from "Where the Awesome Meets the Familiar" by the Reverend Barbara Wells ten Hove (preached January 26, 2003, at All Souls Church, Unitarian, in Washington, DC) and “Be It Ever So Humble” by the Reverend Forrest Church (preached March 25, 2001, at Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York, New York).
“Nine Guidelines for Listening to Others” in Workshop 3, Handout 1, is adapted from The Sacred Art of Listening by Kay Lindahl. Copyright 2002 by Kay Lindahl. Reprinted by permission of Skylights Paths Publishing.
The Taking It Home activities in Workshop 3 are adapted from Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening by Kay Lindahl. Copyright 2003 by Kay Lindahl. Reprinted by permission of Skylights Paths Publishing.
Handout 2 in Workshop 10 is adapted from Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Adults by Richard S. Kimball. Copyright 2000 by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries. The graphic in Handout 2 is used with permission from Robert J. Sternberg.
The personal altar activity in Workshop 10 and the couple altar activity in Workshop 11 were created by Anne Principe, Credentialed Religious Educator.