Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults: An Anti-racist Multicultural Program

Activity 2: Multicultural Competence in Action

Activity time: 30 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Copy both stories for all participants.
  • Make two copies of Handout 2 for each participant.

Description of Activity

Explain that participants will hear two stories written by and about young adult Unitarian Universalists reflecting on antiracism, anti-oppression, and multiculturalism as spiritual and personal practices. Distribute both stories. Read each story aloud or ask a volunteer to do so. Invite participants to offer brief comments or reflections after each.


Although these two young adult Unitarian Universalists have different racial identities, there are similarities in how they express their commitment to their faith. What similarities do you hear in the two stories? What differences?

Allow about five minutes for discussion.

Distribute Handout 2. Invite participants to make notes on the handout about multicultural competence as demonstrated by the story's authors. Allow another five minutes for participants to complete their handouts.

Ask participants to turn to another person and share their observations.