Activity 3: Outsider Experiences

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Journals, one for each participant
  • Pens and pencils

Preparation for Activity

  • Before the workshop, ask participants to bring a journal and writing instrument to the workshop. Or, purchase journals for all participants.
  • Write on newsprint, and post:
    • What was the experience? Recall it in as much detail as possible.
    • What made you the person who was "different" or the "outsider?" How did others treat you as a result?
    • What was the impact of your outsider experience on how you felt about and participated in the group?
    • How did that experience shape your sense of who you are and how you behave in the world or similar settings?

Description of Activity

Make sure each participant has a journal and a pen/pencil.

Explain that the journals have two purposes: To record ideas, quotes, and concepts from workshops, and to record participants' reflections, thoughts, and feelings. Invite participants to use any form they wish, such as poetry, bulleted points, idea webs, symbols, or narrative/story.

Now, say:

I invite you to begin your journal work by recording a powerful experience in which you felt like an outsider. Use the questions posted on newsprint to help guide your remembering. This is a private journal exercise. You will not be sharing this story in the workshop. Instead, you are asked to hold the story in your heart and use it as a point of reference in our future discussions.

Allow ten minutes for writing. Then invite comments and observations about the experience of recalling such a moment.

Including All Participants

For people with physical disabilities who may not be able to write, find a private area where the person can record their story or dictate it confidentially to a facilitator.