Activity 4: Serial Testimony

Activity time: 35 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Review Workshop 2, Leader Resource 2.
  • Review the reflection group assignments you established for Workshop 2 and make changes as needed.
  • Arrange for appropriate spaces for reflection groups to meet. If possible, groups should meet in different rooms so as to avoid the natural tendency to eavesdrop on other conversations.
  • Write on newsprint, and post:
    • What role has "Whiteness" played in your life? What came up for you?
    • Can you recall a time when awareness of "Whiteness" impacted you or someone close to you?
    • How does the system of "Whiteness" operate in your congregation and local community?

Description of Activity

Review Workshop 2, Leader Resource 2 with participants. Invite participants to move into reflection groups you have determined in advance. Assign each group a space to meet. Explain directions for the reflection groups, using these or similar words:

Choose a facilitator, a timekeeper, and a recorder. You have 30 minutes for this discussion. Divide the time evenly by the number of participants in your group. To foster a sense of inclusion, be sure that each participant has the opportunity to speak and that every person keeps to the time allotted for their "testimony." Begin with a quick round of introductions (sharing first names) and then ask each person in turn to respond to the posted questions. Be aware that people who are White, People of Color, and people from racially or ethnically marginalized groups bring very different perspectives to the notion of "Whiteness."

After 30 minutes, have the large group reconvene.