Alternate Activity 2: Your Gift to Me, Version Three

Activity time: 45 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • An object to pass (e.g., a stone, talking stick, kaleidoscope)
  • Optional: Group photo

Preparation for Activity

  • Read Activity 1, Alternate Activity 1, and Alternate Activity 2. Choose one of these activities to guide participants in expressing gratitude.
  • Write on newsprint and post:
    • [Name], over the course of the program, I have learned from you...
    • [Name], I really appreciated the way you...
    • [Name], your gift to the group has been...
  • Optional: Make copies of the group photo taken during Workshop 22.

Description of Activity

Invite a participant to hold the object to signal they will be the focus of the group's attention. Ask participants to hold silence until they are moved to express their appreciation for the person holding the object, using their own words or completing the posted sentences. When all who wish have spoken, invite a second person to hold the object and repeat the process. Repeat until all participants have been the focus.

Distribute group photos, if you have them.