Activity 1: Your Gift to Me, Version One
Activity time: 45 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Optional: Group photo
Preparation for Activity
- Read Activity 1, Alternate Activity 1, and Alternate Activity 2. Choose one of these activities to guide participants in expressing gratitude.
- Write on newsprint, and post:
- [Name], over the course of Building the World We Dream About, what I have learned from you is...
- [Name], I really appreciated the way you...
- [Name], your gift to the group has been...
- Optional: Make copies of group photograph taken during Workshop 22.
Description of Activity
Create a circle of chairs in the middle of the room. Designate one chair as the "seat of honor." One by one, invite each participant to sit in the special chair. As each participant sits in the chair of honor, others around the circle take turns expressing appreciation for the person in the seat of honor. Invite them to complete one of the posted sentences or to state their appreciation in their own words.
Optional: Distribute copies of the group photo.
Including All Participants
Choose the method you will use for appreciation based on your knowledge of accessibility needs and personal styles in the group.