
We humans are deeply, fundamentally, inescapably, relational beings. Our spirituality, our experiences of the sacred, revolves around how we relate to ourselves, to each other, to the cosmos. — Rev. Peter Morales, in Bringing Gifts, a publication of the Latino/a Unitarian Universalist Networking Alliance (LUUNA)

In this final workshop, participants celebrate and express appreciation for the relationships their shared experience has created, and build action plans to move the work forward in the congregation.

Before leading this workshop, review the accessibility guidelines in the program Introduction under Integrating All Participants.


This workshop will:

  • Invite participants to continue to work individually and collectively to create a justice-centered, multiracial/multicultural Beloved Community where all people are welcome
  • Encourage participants to express gratitude to one another
  • Honor the gifts participants have brought to and received in the workshop series
  • Provide a process for developing action plans to continue the work in the congregation.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Express their gratitude to one another
  • Celebrate the creation of relationships rooted in antiracist/multicultural understanding
  • Develop a plan of action for future work.