Handout 1: Possible Next Actions
At the next and final workshop, you will consider actions to integrate learning from Building the World We Dream About into the life of the congregation. Possible plans of action include:
- Lead a Sunday worship service to share hopes and dreams for doing antiracist/multicultural work with the whole community.
- Repeat the program with a second generation of participants.
- Work with the congregation to construct a mission and vision statement that expresses your commitment to antiracism and multiculturalism in the congregation and the larger community.
- Conduct an antiracism/multicultural audit of the congregation to identify ways to communicate welcome, inclusion and affirmation of people of diverse races, ethnicities, and cultures.
- Identify UUA and District resources for increasing the congregation's commitment to antiracist/multiculturalism.
- Create and build an ecumenical partnership with another faith community to work on racial justice in your community.
- Team with a civic organization that deals with issues of racism.
- Create an ongoing discussion and action group that keeps issues of race and equity on the congregational agenda.
- Create an oral history project that chronicles the racial history of your congregation and/or community.
- Lead a racial reconciliation process in your congregation or community.
- Send youth and young adults from your congregation to regional and national Unitarian Universalist meetings on race and equity.
- Connect with the UUA Standing on the Side of Love campaign to challenge identity-based violence, exclusion, and oppression, with a focus on local antiracism and multiculturalism opportunities.