Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Building the World We Dream About: An Anti-racism Multicultural Program

Activity 1: Race-based Reflection Groups

Activity time: 100 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read Leader Resource 2. Prepare to explain the purpose of race-based reflection groups and answer questions about the process.
  • Copy the handouts for all participants.
  • Review Workshop 2, Leader Resource 2, make six copies, and prepare to answer questions.
  • Decide which spaces the groups will use. Groups should meet in separate rooms so they cannot hear each other's discussions.

Description of Activity

Explain race-based reflection groups, or caucuses, using information in Leader Resource 2. Invite each participant to choose one of three groups: people who are White or of European ancestry, People of Color and from racially or ethnically marginalized groups, and biracial/multiracial people or people who find they are not able to identify with the White or People of Color groups. Indicate where each group will meet.

Give copies of the corresponding reflection group handout to each group. Invite members of each group to read through the instructions, and then to select a facilitator. Give each group a copy or two of Workshop 2, Handout 2; a sheet of newsprint; and markers. Invite small groups to follow the process on the handout. Remind them to speak from their individual experience, making note of common as well as unique experiences living in a race-based society.