Taking It Home: Exploring White Identity

The struggle for racial justice in America calls those of us who are White to make this journey. Our presence is needed. We have been absent too long. — Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, from Soul Work: Anti-racist Theologies in Dialogue, Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley and Nancy Palmer Jones, editors (Boston: Skinner House, 2003)

Continue to reflect on White identity as it affects your day-to-day life, whether you are a person who identifies as White or of European ancestry or someone who identifies as a Person of Color or a person from a racially or ethnically marginalized group. Record your insights and observations in your journal and/or compare notes with another workshop participant. Watch the series Race — The Power of an Illusion (California Newsreel, 2003) and/or explore What Is Race? on the PBS website. You can purchase Race — The Power of an Illusion from California Newsreel website (which also has a study guide and resources) or borrow it from your public library.