Alternate Activity 1: Community Practices - Gift Basket

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Draw a large gift basket on a piece of newsprint and post.

Description of Activity

Because this program often provides a new opportunity for participants to consider and articulate their individual needs and those of the larger community, Janice Marie Johnson, UUA Multicultural Ministries and Leadership Director has developed this alternate way of creating a community covenant.

Ask participants how they would like to be in community with each other. Point out the gift basket drawing you have posted on the wall and say, “What are the gifts that we choose to give each other?” Model an answer by offering “the gift of listening” and write that gift in the basket, perhaps drawing an ear or other symbol. Elicit responses such as being on time for breaks, one person speaking at a time, trying to practice speaking from one’s own authority, and so forth. As responses come in, draw and note them on the newsprint as gifts for the community.