Workshop 1: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part One Part of Building the World We Dream About In This Section Introduction From Building the World We Dream About What is true is that for Unitarian Universalism to move into a vibrant future, we will need to mine our past for stories of resistance to oppression, stories of openness to new ways of being religious, stories of transformation that have built new understandings into our narrative of who we are.... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Building the World We Dream About Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 2 Activity 1: Welcome and Introductions 20 Activity 2: Why Is This Important? 10 Activity 3: Making a Covenant 10 Activity 4: Outsider Experiences 15 Activity 5: Learning from the Other Within — Theater of Voices 30 Activity 6: Paired and Large... Spiritual Preparation From Building the World We Dream About As you prepare to lead the first workshop, reflect on what in your life's journey has led you to this moment. Why is Building the World We Dream About important to you? Share your experiences and reasons with your co-leader.... Welcoming and Entering From Building the World We Dream About Materials for Activity Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Name tags for participants (durable or single-use) and bold markers Optional: Music and player Optional: Snacks and beverages Preparation for Activity Arrange chairs in a circle and set out name tags and markers on a table.... Opening From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Worship table or designated space Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Leader Resource 1, Telling Preparation for Activity Practice reading Leader Resource 1, Telling, aloud.... Activity 1: Welcome and Introductions From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: An object that can be passed around as each participant speaks Description of Activity Invite participants to share a story that is often told about them by family or friends.... Activity 2: Why Is This Important? From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Write on newsprint, and post: Why is it important for a congregation to be welcoming of different racial and ethnic groups? Review the list of possible responses to the question so you will be... Activity 3: Making a Covenant From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Guidelines That Promote Multicultural Dialogue Preparation for Activity Send Handout 1 to all participants in advance of the first workshop and make copies to have on hand. Post newsprint. Description of Activity Distribute Handout 1. Activity 4: Outsider Experiences From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Journal for all participants Pens and pencils Preparation for Activity Ask participants to bring a journal and writing instrument to the workshop. Or, purchase a journal or notebook for all participants. Write on newsprint, and post: What was the... Activity 5: Learning from the Other Within - Theater of Voices From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Affirming Experiences and Marginalizing Experiences Music (two different selections) and music player Preparation for Activity Work with your co-facilitator to select and arrange material, following the instructions in Leader... Activity 6: Paired and Large Group Discussion From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Write on newsprint, and post: Which voice do you identify with? Which voice makes you want to say, "I am exactly that" or "I've done/said that"?... Closing From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity Lined paper and pens/pencils Newsprint, markers, and tape Taking It Home A copy of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist Association hymnbook Preparation for Activity Write on newsprint, and post: What do you hope to gain from... Leader Reflection and Planning From Building the World We Dream About Take a few moments right after the workshop to ask each other: What went well? What didn't? Why? What do you think was the best moment of the workshop? Why? Did anything surprise you? Do we need to make changes in the way we work together? Alternate Activity 1: Community Practices - Gift Basket From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Draw a large gift basket on a piece of newsprint and post.... Taking It Home: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part One From Building the World We Dream About What is true is that for Unitarian Universalism to move into a vibrant future, we will need to mine our past for stories of resistance to oppression, stories of openness to new ways of being religious, stories of transformation that have built new understandings into our narrative of who we are.... Handout 1: Guidelines That Promote Multicultural Dialogue From Building the World We Dream About These suggestions are intended to slow down the flurry of assumptions that can come into play when we talk about the stories and truths that shape our lives. Following these guidelines together can help every participant fully engage with others and grow from our interactions.... Leader Resource 1: Telling From Building the World We Dream About "Telling" is used with the permission of Laura Hershey. For more information about Laura's poetry and other writing, go to her website. Leader Resource 2: Affirming Experiences and Marginalizing Experiences From Building the World We Dream About This resource includes several first-person narratives from Unitarian Universalists describing experiences with race in their congregations. Introduce these voices and experiences using a Theater of Voices technique.... Find Out More From Building the World We Dream About The UUA Multicultural Growth & Witness staff group offers resources, curricula, trainings, and tools to help Unitarian Universalist congregations and leaders engage in the work of antiracism, antioppression, and multiculturalism. Visit... PREVIOUS: Principles and Sources UP: Building the World We Dream About NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building the World We Dream About (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.