Leader Resources in Building the World We Dream About
Workshop 2: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part Two
Workshop 1: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part One
Workshop 1: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part One
Workshop 2: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part Two
Workshop 2: Telling Our Story: Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities, Part Two
Workshop 3: You Are How You've Lived: Exploring Individual and Group Identity
Workshop 4: Exploring Your Multiple Identities
Workshop 5: Problems and Promises of Unearned Privilege
Workshop 6: Navigating the Landscapes of Power: Unearned Privilege
Workshop 7: Discerning Race/Discerning Power
Workshop 9: Ignore-ance of White Identity
Workshop 9: Ignore-ance of White Identity
Workshop 11: The Experience of Whiteness from Others Point of View
Workshop 12: Growing and Healing Within Ethnic/Racial Groups
Workshop 12: Growing and Healing Within Ethnic/Racial Groups
Workshop 12: Growing and Healing Within Ethnic/Racial Groups
Workshop 13: Building Bridges of Trust and Accountability: A Service of Reconciliation and Healing
Workshop 13: Building Bridges of Trust and Accountability: A Service of Reconciliation and Healing
Workshop 15: Hot Topics and Contemporary Issues within the Unitarian Universalist Community
Workshop 15: Hot Topics and Contemporary Issues within the Unitarian Universalist Community
Workshop 16: Practicing Multicultural Competency
Workshop 17: Voices from the Local Community
Workshop 20: Putting Antioppression Ideals into Practice
Workshop 20: Putting Antioppression Ideals into Practice
Workshop 20: Putting Antioppression Ideals into Practice
Workshop 22: Sharing Our New Wisdom
Workshop 24: Celebrating Ourselves and Future Work
Workshop 24: Celebrating Ourselves and Future Work
Workshop 10: Exploring White Identity