How much should I budget to implement Our Whole Lives?

An implementation budget for Our Whole Lives should cover curriculum purchase, training of facilitators, and program supplies.


For a list of curriculum prices consult the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bookstore. (See also Where can I purchase Our Whole Lives?) You will need one copy of Our Whole Lives and one copy of Sexuality and Our Faith per program facilitator. In addition, The Parent Guide to Our Whole Lives is essential for the facilitators and each parent of children in the Grades K-1 and 4-6 programs. The Advocacy Manual for Sexuality Education, Health, and Justice is helpful for religious professionals and lay leaders who are implementing the program.


Facilitator training costs vary according to location. Registration for a training weekend is typically $150-250 U.S., If a UUA District sponsors the training, there may be higher rates for registrants from outside that district, or subsidies for those within the district. In addition to registration fees, budget for transportation to the training. Facilitator trainings are sponsored by districts, congregations, conference centers, and other groups, not by the UUA national office. If you would like your congregation or district to host an Our Whole Lives training, your district religious education committee or program consultant can assist you in preparing a realistic budget for training in your district. Please refer to the Planning Guide for Our Whole Lives Facilitator Trainings (PDF, 36 pages) if you are planning a training. This guide is available from your District or Regional Office, or

Implementation and Supplies

Curriculum implementation expenses include the costs of photocopying handouts, purchasing supplies, purchasing or borrowing resource books, and providing refreshments. $50-$300 U.S. would typically cover these expenses for one Our Whole Lives program. The amount varies significantly depending on what resources your congregation already has, and what resources you are able to borrow. See Curricula for details.