Since we can purchase the curriculum, why do we need training?

The curriculum offers guidance on leading discussions, games, and activities, and training helps assure that facilitators lead them well. Our Whole Lives (OWL) facilitator trainings enhance:

  • knowledge of an age group and its developmental needs,
  • knowledge about human sexuality,
  • facilitation skills,
  • classroom management skills,
  • understanding of the curriculum’s activities (through participation and peer-teaching)
  • understanding of appropriate boundaries
  • understanding of OWL values and philosophy.

Trainings also offer an evaluation process by which Our Whole Lives trainers, who are experienced sexuality educators, can give feedback to a potential facilitator and to congregational leaders if there are concerns about whether or not that potential facilitator is ready to facilitate an Our Whole Lives program. Finally, training offers participants access to Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) resources: The UUA’s Our Whole Lives email lists are restricted to trained Our Whole Lives facilitators, and only congregations with trained Our Whole Lives facilitators may purchase the audio/visual materials in Sexuality and Our Faith.